Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's the simple things that show your pride.

I almost forgot to mention this, but the day before the gas door came in, I got my new keychain in the mail, another eBay purchase.

Back when I was little, my father always had one of those leather keychains with the metal hanging part, and the enameled logo on them, for every car we had owned. He kept them to remember where he came from, and how much work it took to move up from 30 year old rusted pickups, to the rebuilt Monte Carlo, the couple model years back work truck, and finally, the first new car my parents ever owned.

So, when I saw this little gem on eBay, with vintage Saab airplane logo, I knew that this was something to pick up.

I'll never forget the time I spend every day working on Ulla, and I'll never forget how much work and sacrifice my parents went through over the years to get to where they are today.

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